Course Outline - Business Administration Program: Year 2 BUSI 225 Strategic Management

Brief Course Description

Integrating knowledge is always a difficult task. This capstone course attempts to bring together all of the knowledge acquired to date throughout the program.

Through the use of the case approach, and with the development of a strategic management process, students become skilled at planning, evaluating and implementing those plans. Upon completion of BUSI 225, students should be equipped with the skills to strategically develop and evaluate a business. These skills can be applied to enhance a company's overall performance within their respective industries.

Course Prerequisites

BUSI 225 is a capstone course: All courses from preceding semesters required for the diploma should be completed.

Learning Objectives*

On completion of the Unit the candidate will be able to:
  1. Strategically evaluate a business.
  2. Identify Porter’s five forces.
  3. Perform a SWOT and PEST analysis.
  4. Suggest recommendations to enhance a company’s viability.
  5. Utilize qualitative and quantitative information to improve a company’s performance.
  6. Describe the correlation between the four pillars of business.
  7. Illustrate the impact of making business decisions through competing interactively in the Business Strategy Game.

Required course materials*

Dess, McNamara, Eisner, et al (2021). ISE Strategic Management: Text and Cases. (10th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. Your text will also include an access code for Connect and the Business Strategy Game (BSG)

Course Duration

The Course Duration is 64 Hours

Homework Hours

Course Homework Hours will be 10 hours per week approximately.

Delivery Methods

Indicate how the course is delivered: X In-class instruction
  • Distance education
  • Combined delivery (both in-class and distance)

Teaching Methods*

Teaching Methods will Involve Seminar Format, Lecture format and Laboratory Format depending upon the course demand

Method(s) of Student Evaluation*

Type of Assessment Value
Topic Quizzes 35%
Case Studies 40%
Business Strategy Game 20%
Participation 5%
TOTAL 100%

Completion Requirements*

A Candidate has to attain a minimum score of 50% overall to ensure successful course completion