Course Outline - Business Administration Program: Year 1 ACCT 212 Computerized Accounting

Brief Course Description

Students will obtain a sound working knowledge of a current computerized accounting package by completing workbook exercises in Simply Accounting. Modules in this package will incorporate accounting simulations which are very similar to real life experiences of entering transactions and preparing various financial reports in an accounting office.

Course Prerequisites

No Prerequisites for this course

Learning Objectives*

On completion of the Unit the candidate will be able to:
  1. To demonstrate the ability to work independently to attain a specified accounting related task by a specified deadline.
  2. To prepare all reports utilized by Simply Accounting in small and medium sized business activities on nine different work simulations.
  3. To set up accounting records for different businesses using Simply Accounting. To process a number of transactions related to these individual businesses and print required Simply Accounting reports.
  4. To demonstrate mastery of on the job tasks related to entry-level accounting/bookkeeping positions.
  5. To maximize the development of the individual through the successful completion of practical projects within rigidly set timelines.

Required course materials*

Purbhoo, M, Using Sage 50 Accounting 2020. Toronto: Pearson.

Students can download Sage 50 Accounting 2020 for up to 14 months, go to and Install the software version 2020.0. Follow the instructions on the Sage website or as explained in the appendix to your textbook in order to activate your software

Course Duration

The Course Duration is 64 Hours

Homework Hours

Course Homework Hours will be 10 hours per week approximately.

Delivery Methods

Indicate how the course is delivered: X In-class instruction
  • Distance education
  • Combined delivery (both in-class and distance)

Teaching Methods*

Teaching Methods will Involve Seminar Format, Lecture format and Laboratory Format depending upon the course demand

Method(s) of Student Evaluation*

Type of Assessment Value
Chapters 1 & 2 Read Only
Chapter 3 - Muriel’s Murals 6%
Chapter 4 - Love it Again 6%
Chapter 5 - Groen Fields 6%
Chapter 6 - Phoebe’s Photo Studio 6%
Chapter 7 - Northern Lights 6%
Chapter 10 - Flabuless Fitness 12%
Chapter 11 - Chiropractic Clinic 8%
Chapter 15 - Tess’s Tresses 8%
Chapter 16 - VeloCity 36%
TOTAL 100%

Completion Requirements*

A Candidate has to attain a minimum score of 50% overall to ensure successful course completion